As a visible, localized manifestation of the Body of Christ, our purpose is to glorify God by promoting “The preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery” committed to the Apostle Paul (Rom. 16:25, Eph. 3:1-9) and carrying out “the ministry of reconciliation” committed to our trust as Ambassadors of Christ (II Cor. 5:18-20, II Tim. 1:13,14). To this end and following the ministry strategy of the Apostle Paul (Acts 14:21-23), we have established three Biblical priorities for our ministry:
- EVANGELISM: The proclamation of the gospel of grace to non-believers resulting in their conversion to Jesus Christ and participation in the local body of believers.
- EDIFICATION: The equipping of believers with sound doctrine so that they experience genuine spiritual growth, which results in doctrinal unity, personal integrity, and corporate harmony.
- EXPANSION: The sending and supporting of spiritually mature and properly trained workers into every community and culture of the world resulting in planting grace churches in every ethnic grouping.
We structure our ministries according to scriptural patterns so that we can empower people with the message of God’s Grace! Our emphasis is on:
Bible Study
We want to help you understand and enjoy the Bible. The only means of ever attaining a genuine and devoted relationship with God is through an intelligent understanding of His Word. Therefore, we offer many opportunities to help people learn what the Bible teaches in an atmosphere of love, free from fanaticism and formalism. We teach from the Holy King James Bible, the Authorized Version of 1611, Chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and line by line. Stretch your mind and feed your soul on the powerful truths of God’s Word!
Grace Life… We want you to enjoy life! That is the eternal life that God gives as a free gift. This new life is not enjoyed by following religious laws of human performance. It is a life that can only be empowered and expressed by the grace and love of God to us in Jesus Christ. Our ministries center on educating the believer so that he or she can grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ
We want you to enjoy a sense of community with others. People who share the same struggles of life that you do can be a tremendous source of comfort and encouragement. We are a family committed to helping one another grow spiritually in a compassionate atmosphere free from religious bondage. We host a Clergy group, Bible study, Women’s bible study, Adult and Children’s Sunday school, Family movie night, Leadership training, Friends and family day, Praise and worship team, Outreach ministries, and a variety of special events.
We want to help families become a warm haven of hope, love, and stability. Much of society’s values are undermining the moral fiber of families. We believe that godly homes will make for godly communities. We strive to enrich the lives of each member of the family through a practical and relevant understanding of God’s design for it.
We want to equip young people so that they can become wise and productive adults, capable of making positive decisions in life. We believe each child is a ministry. We plan to have youth groups, clubs, activities, retreats, mission trips, and summer Bible camp for children of all ages. Our young people are treated with care and gentleness.
Our Pastor, Pastor Lutual M Love Sr, through the establishment of the Council of Elders wants to provide wise counsel from the greatest source of wisdom – Scripture! If you are in spiritual need, whether it regards marriage, family, faith, or just everyday issues, you will always find a friend and counselor in your time of need.
We strive in proclaiming the grace of God, through Jesus Christ, to all people in the spirit of love and meekness. Our vision statement is “Taking God’s Grace to the World,” starting in our own backyard.
Church Social Programs
Family and Community Dinner every 3rd Sunday from 1pm-3pm at the church (after service)